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maple glazed grilled carrots in a serving dish with chopped pecans on top

Maple Glazed Grilled Carrots

These grilled carrots are perfectly tender and sweet! This four ingredients recipe will make a great addition to any summer barbecue. Fresh carrots are coated in a bit of olive oil and salt, tossed on the grill, then brushed with a touch of maple syrup.
Prep: 5 minutes
Cook: 30 minutes
Total: 35 minutes
Yield:6 servings


  • grill



  • Toss carrots in olive oil and salt to coat.
  • Preheat grill to medium-high heat and place carrots over direct heat for 7-10 minutes, turning often.
  • Transfer carrots to indirect heat, brush with maple syrup, and cook for 15-20 minutes or until tender.


  • Make it Sugar-Free: Use your favorite sugar-free maple flavored syrup instead of the maple syrup in this recipe.
Recipe yields approximately 6 servings. Nutritional values shown are general guidelines, and reflect information for one serving out of 6. Macros may vary slightly depending on specific types and brands of ingredients used.
To determine the weight of one serving, prepare the recipe as instructed. Weigh the finished recipe, then divide the weight of the finished recipe (not including the weight of the container the food is in) by 6. Result will be the weight of one serving.


Serving Size: 1serving | Calories: 130kcal | Protein: 1g | Fat: 5g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 687mg | Potassium: 506mg | Total Carbs: 21g | Fiber: 4g | Sugar: 13g | Net Carbs: 17g | Vitamin A: 25259IU | Vitamin C: 9mg | Calcium: 61mg | Iron: 1mg
Recipe By:Sam Guarnieri